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CornwallRooms.com - Places to Stay, B&B, Guest Houses, Hotels in Cornwall

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Accommodation Details - The Trelinda Hotel - Newquay, Cornwall

English Tourist Board Rated 4  star Single rooms from £55.00 - Double rooms from £55.00 Map Make Enquiry
The Trelinda is a 3 Star rated family run guesthouse with a Hotel Car Park situated within a 2 minute walk from the town centre, 5 minutes walk to the nearest beach & conveniently located for all nearby amenities or as a base from which to visit all the other attractions that Cornwall has to offer.


TRELINDA is the hotel where guests return.

Please Look at our reviews on 'Trip advisor'. If you do not book please call in to see our rooms and have a cup of tea or coffee.

All Ensuite
Hotel car parking
Best breakfast Cornwal
Great customer service
Bus station 2 minutes

Clean clean Gauranteed
Two minutes walk town cen
Five minutes walk beach
Comfort gauranteed
Most guests return
The Trelinda Hotel
Number of Rooms: 10 - Check in from: 15:00 - Check out by: 11:00
Payment Options
Cash Accepted American Express Accepted American Express Accepted American Express Accepted

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