x-small < 768
small 768 - 992
medium 992 - 1200 medium 992 - 1200
large > 1200

CornwallRooms.com - Places to Stay, B&B, Guest Houses, Hotels in Cornwall

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Accommodation Details - Brookdale Hotel - Truro, Cornwall

AA Rated 3  star Map Make Enquiry
Brookdale Hotel Truro, Cornwall is pleasantly situated in an elevated position and the hotel is near Truro city centre. The Brookdale hotel provides a range of accommodation options, all the hotel rooms are pleasantly spacious and well equipped and some rooms are located in an adjacent annexe. Meals can be served in guests rooms or in the hotel restaurant where an interesting selection of dishes is available.
Brookdale Hotel
Number of Rooms: 30 - Check in from: Please confirm with Accommodation Provider - Check out by: Please confirm with Accommodation Provider
Payment Options
Cash Accepted

Accommodation Facilities

Family rooms, Christmas

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