x-small < 768
small 768 - 992
medium 992 - 1200 medium 992 - 1200
large > 1200

CornwallRooms.com - Places to Stay, B&B, Guest Houses, Hotels in Cornwall

We search for accommodation in Cornwall so you don’t have to

How it Works

Cornwall Rooms offer hotel and guest house owners an excellent way of filling empty guest rooms with no upfront fees. Simply register your property for free here where you can enter the facilities and a description of your property and even upload photographs completely free of charge.

We get highly targeted searches for accommodation in all parts of Cornwall and when an enquiry is suitable, we contact you by email with details. If there is availability at your property simply follow the link in the email and enter your prices. The offers are immediately forwarded to the customer where your property can be viewed and booking details will be sent to you immediately.

There is no need to log on and add room allocations, simply sign up for free (it only takes a few minutes) and sit back and wait for highly targeted enquiries to be sent to you.

  • Free internet presence for your accommodation
  • Simple, quick and free to register
  • No updating room availability
  • Low ZERO% commission
  • No charges, absolutely FREE to be on here!
  • Highly targeted enquiries sent direct by email

So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this fantastic no risk opportunity now. Simply enter your details and receive bookings. Only pay our low 7% commission on results. So if your hotel or guest house is in Cornwall then sign up here completely free with Cornwall Rooms, THE Cornish accommodation finder.

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